Friday, March 26, 2010

the main flaw that ty johnson has in this novel is he is a drug dealer. he has been around it since he was 9 years old because of his corrupt father. he is very street smart and knows what he is doing but drug dealing has its own law and if they dont need you your gone in seconds. it has already got him shot twice in a drive by shooting. One of his main customers ratted him out to the police and now they are watching him. he hides it from the girl he likes and he hides it from his mother. in the end it is only gonna end up putting him in the cage. latley though hes been very interested in school and has a 75 in one of his classes. the teacher recommended that he go somewhere with it.

If you were in a position like this where you've had drugs and crime around you your whole life what would you do?


  1. If I was in a position like this where I've had drugs and crime around me my whole life I'd probably try to move to a different area and try to get out of trouble. I'd probably look for help especially if I knew it was a big problem.

  2. well i think that i would probably try my hardest to get out of it, sell a lil more save the mony ditch the stash and run as far as i can and hope it turns out for the best.

  3. If I had to make a decision, I would make the decision to change my life. i would not let my past get in the way of my future. You cant sit around feeling sorry for yourself, get up and make the change happen! You lead your life, not anything or anyone else. If you want something better, the go for gold. Don't let your past problems bring you down. The past is the past, its done and over with, but the future is coming faster than you think!

  4. I would push myself to become better than everyone else and better than anything around me. I would try hard in school and make a life for myself and get the hell out of their.

  5. I would hope that there would be a positive influence on me (a teacher or a friend) if I was in this situation. If you've been surrounded by crime and drugs your whole life, it's difficult to understand what it would be like if it wasn't there. But ultimately, you need to want something for yourself, and you can't take the easy way out all the time(making $ by dealing drugs). Having an education is really the ticket to so many other avenues in life, so I hope that Ty can see that!

  6. I think that if anyone was in the position that drugs adn crime was around them their whole lives and it was part of their lifestyle that it would be hard to move away from because thats all you know as a way of life. However if i was in that situation with a corrupt father and knowing what it would be like to be around that kind of thing all my life i would want to better myself. I wouldnt want to live the same lifestyle that i would see a corrupt parent living which would give me the motivation to change myself.

  7. If I was in this position I would try to get out of it quckly. This kind of stuff is very dangerous, and can get you hurt, just like it has gotten him shot twice. I agree with Miss Ressor, having someone with positive influence and a way out would be helpful.

  8. If i was in that kind of position i would try every thing that i could to make sure that i avoid that kind of life.

  9. If I grew up around drugs and crime my whole life, sure it would be something I would be used to, and it would be normal to someone who grows up around it. But at the same time if I was in that situation, knowing that i could actually change my life around and finish school and do something in life other than breaking the law/doing drugs I would take the chances and change my life around. It would more than likely be difficult because dealing with crime and drugs your also involved with other people which could become a hard thing to get away from, but I would definitally do everything I could to get away from that life style.

  10. If i was growing up with drugs and crime around me my whole life i would probably be trying to find something good within it like a person to love or close friend and if that wasn't found i would find a way to get out

  11. i'd probablly just do the smart thing and get out of it. why risk the chance of getting shot or better yet killed.
